My parents came home today. Being the wonderful, incredibly thoughtful daughter that I am, I decided to have a dinner prepared for the weary travelers.
The menu: Turkey Chili for the main course with an Apple and Cranberry Crisp for dessert. Of course I'll be pairing this with a nice fresh salad, and a California Red Table Wine that my Dad picked up. It's pretty much the best wine below.
Cranberries for the crisp. Tis the season!
The crisp getting ready for the oven!
So my dad came home with a bottle of wine to have for dinner. He picked it out especially for me. It's most definitely the best bottle I've seen in a long time.... :)
For anyone who doesn't know, I happen to be the middle child in my family. Of course, this is something I bring up everytime I have an argument with either my parents or siblings just in case I get pity points for being the token middle child. I never do.
I love the label on this bottle, however for our family it needed to be changed just a smidge.
Abbey, Sarah, and Spencer.
I tried to make the woman on stage right into a man so as to represent my brother Spencer, but my drawing skillz were not quite up to snuff.

I would recommend Middle Sister Rebel Red!! :)
WHERE DID HE FIND THIS WINE?! I must get it for EMME! Email me...