They're actually in Florida for a conference. This little vacation on theirs has awarded me the opportunity to stay at my parent's house and hang out with my brother Spencer.
Halloween is only four days away. Obviously Spencer has already prepared his costume and Tim and I were enlisted in working on the finishing touches last night. Basically we draped bubble wrap around his body to make him more chubby and full-figured; because no-one wants to look at a droopy banana. (Ironically I made a loaf of banana bread to go with dinner, which merely served to strengthen the goodness of this costume.)

The suit is both flexible and comfortable. Allowing for the clicking of heels mid-air.

The banana allows for both full disclosure OR anonymity, with preference going to the banana clad.

The banana also allows for super human strength in candy gathering tomfoolery.
Spence is debating wearing the banana to school on Friday. He claims NO-WHERE in the dress-code does it state that banana costumes may not be worn........
bananas got HOPS!