It's happening. Prince William and commoner Kate Middleton are getting married on April 29, 2011. Juuuuust around the corner; and I hear time goes by even faster when you have royal blood in your veins. Just kidding. I made that up. But it woooooould be a nifty little trick to have flowing through your bloodstream say during boring meetings, tedious workouts, and time spent watching the SPEED channel on TV*.
It seems as the date approaches, more and more, and then just when you think it can't get any worse, even MORE ridiculous memorabilia pops out of the woodwork. All for the sole purpose of celebrating the event of the "royal wedding." I don't get it. Maybe it's because I live in the United States and the whole idea of royalty is a bit distant for me (except for everything to do with the movie Princess Diaries, because I'm pretty sure I've watched that about a million times), but I just can't wrap my mind around the importance being placed on this wedding date. Whatever. It's providing me with some great fodder because TAKE A LOOK AT SOME OF THIS MEMORABILIA!
Hot off the kiln, we have Prince William and Kate China!

Because who doesn't like to eat off of other people's faces? I think it's dishwasher safe, but I say why risk it?
The William and Kate T-Shirt!

My favorite part: the facial expressions and realistic farm-like setting where the wedding will take place.
The phone apps!

Attention smart-phone users, there are literally hundreds of countdown applications you can download so you're always up to date on the exact countdown to the day of nuptials. I liked the swans in this one. Very classy.

And my all time favorite. The Will and Kate Fridge.

You can bet that if our apartment hadn't come stocked with a normal and boring black fridge, I'd be in line to get one of these babies!
My advice to you Kate, hang in there. We all recognize that this is absurd and ridiculous.
*Disclaimer: when I'm watching the SPEED channel with Tim, it's ok.
(I believe they are getting married April 29, 2011.)
ReplyDeletepoint well taken beeuh