As an unemployed person, I've taken to watching the morning news. This comes with the luxury of having a weather report about every 8 minutes, just in case you MAY have forgotten what the five-day forecast looks like in-between bites of toast. It's really quite excessive. Excessive yet informative. Basically what I'm trying to say is I was quite aware that this weekend was going to be quite chilly here in the Denver metro area; and by chilly, I mean freezing.
This information was dually noted yet completely disregarded upon the knowledge that the Colorado Rapids were in a semi-final game in the MLS playoffs at Dicks Sporting Goods Park. We obviously had to get tickets. So we did.
The Rapids were playing the San Jose Earthquakes (not sure about this team-name as I thought the major fault lines were north of San Jose...). The game was the Eastern Conference Finals. We still have no idea why the Colorado and San Jose would be playing in the Eastern Conference Finals, it makes no sense. No matter.
Spencer, Tim and I got bundled up and headed out. I mean really bundled. We're talking long underwear, jeans, and multiple layers on top. Tim had on four different Patagonia fleece's under his jacket, which was pretty awesome. Part of our ticket price included getting a Rapids Beanie! If look closely at the picture below, Tim has two of them on his head.
Double Hats

Sorry Spence, off centered. Still awesome.
There was some great Vuvuzela action at the game. Not quite up to World Cup standards, but still nice to hear the constant buzzing of psudo-horns whilst cheering the Rapids on to victory.
Note the Vuvuzela
The final score was 1-0 Rapids. It was an awesome goal right before the first half ended. There were also a few breakaway opportunities for the Rapids, and even though they didn't produce a goal, they were still supremely beneficial to all of us jumping spectators as we were beginning to freeze to the metal bleachers.
A highlight included a group of Earthquakes fans who were cheering most of the first half, and then decided to take cheering to the next level in half 2. Yes, they went shirtless. We even had one escorted out by the police; but we're not sure if it was because he was too rowdy, or that he needed to be treated for hypothermia...
Tim has great teeth in that pic