With a impending move in our near future, I'm on the cusp of starting the beloved job search all over again. (If anyone reading this has contacts in Chicago, I'd love to be connected with them!!) So what kind of job am I going to be looking for? Of course one with a super impressive title. Google, being one of my best friends, offered input into this. I was given the following suggestions upon my search...
Smutter: If I could award a job title for sounding dirtier than it actually is, a smutter would take the cake. It's actually a job that involves tending to grain machines, and removing any foreign objects before milling. Highlight: smutters can make up to 20K a year!
No thanks.
Comb Capper: These professionals whack off the caps of honeycomb to extract the honey from inside. A hidden job benefit: working in a perpetually warm climate where bees can live year-round. Santa Barbara, I'm coming back to yoooooooou!
Powder Monkey: Sounds like a energetic ski-bum to me. But no. A powder monkey is a person who stores explosives--think dynamite, blasting powder, or fireworks. They are also around to help enforce safety regulations. Sounds important, but given my propensity for dropping things, as well as my love for candles...I'm going to pass on this one.
Blood-Bank Booking Clerk: First of all, I'm not good at tongue twisters. Secondly, whenever I donate blood, I faint. This is unfortunate for several reasons including but not limited to: It makes me look like a pansy, I have one of the most AWESOME blood types (which I can't currently recall), and I really like to eat the snacks and juice they give you after donating. My conclusion--this is not the job for me.

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