While I liked the symmetry of 22, so far I'm digging 23. I'm obviously much more mature than I was at age twenty-two. Probably better looking, and an all around better person. Maddie and Michelle made me feel SUPER SPESH [as in special] on my b-day by throwing me a splendid garden party with some of my best buddies. Michelle cooked a fabulous smorgasbord, and Maddie used her artistic capabilities to ensure proper birthday ambiance. It was the perfect end to a great day. Starting my day off with a dozen roses, and breakfast with my man wasn't too bad either.

Before I continue documenting the delights of my life, I would like to take a moment to discuss the recent addition to our neighborhood. This addition is our new next door neighbor. I have yet to meet him--or bring him freshly baked goods, as all good neighbors should--however I have heard him. Yes, heard. The man is a snorer. A BIG snorer. I'm not sure if it's a condition, habit, or perhaps freedom of choice--but he's definitely perfected the art of the snore. Deep, rumbling, and close to breaking the sound barrier, our neighbor has definitely gotten our attention via his sleeping habits. That said, I can't wait to meet him!
In other news, I went to the BEST WEDDING EVER on July 25. Jessica Caswell and Ryan Bennett. Seriously...one of the better nights of my life [I can only imagine how great it was for them]. The wedding was at Montecito Covenant Church, and the reception was at the Doubletree Hotel on Cabrillo. (HELLO ocean view!) Ryan and Jess are two good friends from Westmont. They have been dating for the past five years. The wedding was such a celebration of their relationship, and commitment to Christ, and each other. The ceremony and language of the vows was beautiful. Everything about the wedding felt so right for them [it's kind of hard to explain]. ANYWAY, enough mushy gushy about my friends, the wedding reception ROCKED. Essentially, the wedding guests were comprised of all my best friends from Santa Barbara and Westmont. We had a happy hour on the balcony of the hotel while we waited for Ryan and Jess to get to the reception. It was absolutely unbelievable up there. So beautiful. I had one minor incident with a seagull and his pervasive desire for my snackies--which eventually ended in a dive bomb that I barely squeaked away from--but other than that, perfection. After they arrived at the wedding, we had a delicious meal of filet mignon. I mean, it was good. Meals like that make me exceedingly glad to be a carnivore.
The real highlight, in my opinion, was the EPICNESS that was the DANCE FLOOR. Oh man, I am definitely having dancing at my wedding; and let me just say, that my friends better be bustin' a move. Part of what makes the dancing so great is audience participation. The wedding guests were a winning group, almost all of them were out there shaking their thangs on the dance floor. The DJ was good too, not one of those cheese ball wedding DJ's that make you lose your appetite for the first red meat you've seen in months [steak is expensive!]. The music was just a delight. Great mix of classics, 80's, country, and then...HIPPITY HOP! Todd and I were out there from the first song to the last, dancing our little booties off. [shoutout by the way, to Todd's supreme dance skillz.] We also got to dance with the bride and groom, which obviously made me feel SO special :). Something about newlyweds makes me feel super honored when they talk to me, let alone bust a move next to me.
So congratulations to Jess and Ryan!! I'm just thrilled for them! Thank you for inviting me to a fabulous wedding!