Best. Weekend. Ever. Many events have led me to believe this statement is absolute truth.
First of all, the discovery of great new songs helped make this weekend a success. Jordin Sparks new song, "Battlefield," and the new Kelly Clarkson song, "I Do Not Hook Up," are obviously going to be summer anthems. I have a knack for guessing these things, and let me just say that these two songs have "summer sing-along" written all over them.
Our Friday night tomfoolery further solidified the start of a good weekend. The Madrona House hosted a BBQ that included a stellar guest list of many of our good friends. It was the quintessential summer evening in Santa Barbara. We sat outside for hours shooting the breeze. Also, my nifty home-made lanterns debuted quite well, and I made some killer chocolate chip cookies which were stated as having, "the perfect texture." I don't mean to brag, but they were DA BOMB DOT COM.
The best part of the evening came around 10:00, when six of us headed out to the infamous Tiberon Tavern, the best of the best in terms of local dive bars. Maddie and Ryan, Tim and myself, and Stephanie and Justin. Great group of people, great dynamics between different couples. First, a little background on the Tiberon. Typically nearly empty, the Tib hosts Santa Barbara locals who are counting on a strong drink and a limited crowd. Sometimes the bartenders even give you money to put in the juke-box because it's so quiet. It was Ryan's inaugural visit to the Tib, so we had prepared him by assuring them that even though there are very few people inside, it was still going to be an awesome experience. As we sauntered up to the Tib, much to our confusion, we saw a line formed outside the door. Two words: KARAOKE. NIGHT.
It was wall to wall people inside the bar with a very small, and I would say far too personal, dance section directly inside the entrance. The karaoke was in full swing by the time we got there, and even included the karaoke singing Santa Barbara legend, Too Tall. [This man is KNOWN for hitting up every karaoke spot in the city, and is known only by said name.] All in all, it was nothing but a pleasure to watch the various performers doing their best rendition of their favs.
SATURDAY was excellent as well. We had a great double-date breakfast. I made blueberry pancakes, Maddie made some scrambled eggies, Ryan made some coffee, and Tim just showed up to eat. Around 11, we all headed up to pick blueberries [affectionately called BLOOOBS by some...] at the ranch. Michelle brought her two cousins along, Maggie and Kelley,
to join in the shenanigans. After a couple hours of good ol' fashioned manual labor, Michelle and her cousins left with a few pounds of the "low calorie, and high in antioxidants!" fruit.
After a picnic lunch, it was obviously time to fly a kite at Refugio State Beach at the edge of Santa Barbara and Gaviota. Kite
credit goes to Ryan, photo credit goes to Maddie. Award for being most photogenic goes to Sarah and Tim. :)
In addition to all of this greatness, all weekend long I was anticipating a rather HUGE event happening early Sunday morning. The engagement of my one and only seeeester. Josh and I have been in cahoots for quite some time now. And let me just take a moment to digress on the

word "cahoots," because it's great. Anyway, I knew it was happening early Sunday morning, so I was just waiting for the call!! Well, there's some good news and bad news. First, the
good news, IT HAPPENED!!! It went just as planned, the sunrise proposal, massages, etc...and check out the ring!!! Now for the bad news. Oh wait, THERE ISN'T ANY!! :) :) :)
Later on Sunday, Tim and I tried our hand at tandem kayaking. Maddie and Ryan came along too, and even though we tried really hard to tip them into the water, their resistance was strong. Thankfully, we were witness to at least one kayak tipping, which was really the highlight of the whole experience. Well, that and this little seal that we befriended.

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