Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Adventures in Unemployment

Whoever says that unemployment is a bad thing, has obviously never been unemployed. I mean, it's great. Every two weeks I'm getting money back from the government that I faithfully contributed from every single paycheck during my days as a dually employed citizen of California. I have time to read gobs of books, listen to excessive amounts of music, learn how to play my guitar, and frolic in the great outdoors. Okay, yes, there is the slight depression of having no job, no job propects, continual rejection from employers, the lack of purpose and meaning, and total sense of beings lost. But other than that, unemployment is just the darndest.
For example, sometimes as I muse over the great plans of my day, I find myself with a chunk [or chunks] of unplanned time. What do I do to fill this time?

Exhibit A: Books, not just for reading.

Upon inspiration from Madeline Jacks, I took it upon myself to create some new wall art for my bedroom. I bought a fe
w old books from a thrift store, and got to folding. They add a fun, 3-D element to the wall. Also, since I'm mildly obsessed with reading and all things associated with said activity, they complement my room and bookshelf quite nicely.

Exhibit B: Jars, not just for things that you put in jars.

These babies are multipurpose. In fact, so multipurpose that I'm not sure where I want to put them quite yet. I'm debating hanging them from the ceiling of my room. But they would also look great outside hanging from the porch, or even from the trees. Just imagine candles in the jars, maybe a little sand too. Nifty, and thrifty,
and fun. And as a bonus, quite easy to make.

Exhibit C: One man's trash.......

Found this little treasure in someone's trash can on the side of the road. All it took was a little/lot of cleaning to get this little globey in tip top shape. I can now see every continent on the globe, which, let me just say, was not the case upon initial capture of the world.

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